Investigations were undertaken into the thermal treatment of beryllium and tungsten to see if these materials can be detritiated in the Material Detritiation Facility (MDF) at UKAEA, allowing for the declassification of intermediate level waste (ILW) to low level waste (LLW). When heated in oxygen, both tungsten and beryllium readily oxidise, wi…
The separation of hydrogen isotopes is a vital step in preparing tritium and deuterium fuels for future fusion energy plants. This represents a fundamental challenge to fusion energy since the separation process must be able to handle high throughputs of hydrogen isotopes with a low tritium inventory, as tritium is highly radioactive and hazardo…
Erbium hydrides are suitable materials for the long-term storage of hydrogen and this work details the first reported instance of erbium deuteride synthesis via ion beam implantation. This method offers an alternative loading methodology to conventional gas loading with several advantages and these are discussed within. The work also briefly dis…
Diamond’s intrinsic hardness, excellent thermal conductivity and low atomic number make it a highly promising candidate as a plasma facing material. However, as with the previously used graphite, concerns over tritium retention and resultant chemical etching have so far limited research interest in the use of synthetic diamond. In order to study …
Investigations were undertaken into the thermal treatment of beryllium and tungsten to see if these materials can be detritiated in the Material Detritiation Facility (MDF) at UKAEA, allowing for the declassification of intermediate level waste (ILW) to low level waste (LLW). When heated in oxygen, both tungsten and beryllium readily oxidise, wi…
An investigation was conducted into minimising effective dose to members of the public in the unlikely event of an accident by optimising design parameters and site locations of future fusion power plants. This is part of our defence in depth approach for tritium safety that also includes significant work on the prevention of accidents. Calculat…
The DT fuel cycle is rather different to other nuclear fusion topics: it involves handling of a very precious and radiotoxic gas, i.e. tritium, together with deuterium, processing of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrogen isotopologues, treatment of deuterated and tritiated species, and removal and recovery of deuterium / tritium from water and othe…
The paper looks at a selective smelting regime where higher activity components are smelted with lower activity components with the aim to reduce the amount of ILW waste for disposal. This has been applied to the European DEMO Fusion Plant HCPB 2015 baseline design waste assessment. The paper assesses the structural steels in the breeder blanket…
The tritium inventory of future fusion power plants needs to be monitored in the fuel cycle for several reasons; to comply with limits imposed by environment and safety regulators, adhere to practises required by nuclear regulators and for process control purposes. Fulfilling all these requirements leads to a comprehensive list of locations in the …
An initial safety analysis of a preliminary DEMO tritium fuel cycle has been undertaken using functional failure mode and effects analysis (FFMEA) to create accident scenarios for evaluation. A total of ten scenarios were developed and analysed based upon the current technology planned for the tritium fuel cycle. The findings indicate that the pote…
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results