Future fusion reactors using deuterium-tritium fuel will create high fluences of high-energy neutrons inside and around the reactor vessel. As well as causing material damage, fusion neutrons will activate materials, the decay of which leads to radiation fields in and around the reactor after shutdown. Gamma-ray emission from activated materials…
The anticipated heat flux limit of the European DEMO first wall is ~1MW/m2. During transient and off normal events, the heat load deposited on the wall would be much larger than that the steady state heat load and exceed the first wall limit, therefore the breeding blanket first wall needs to be protected in such events. This involves de…
The DEMO blanket attachment concept is challenging due to several factors: the harsh radiation environment, the thermal expansion, the electro-magnetic loads, the remote maintenance feasibility, and the accurate control of the alignment of the breeding blanket first wall during operation. There are two inboard and three outboard blanket segments…
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