The charged particle heat load assessed for the DEMO Single Module Segment First Wall (FW) during current off-normal plasma scenarios underlines that protection is needed for avoiding/reducing damage to the Breeding Blanket FW due to the deposition of a huge amount of energy in a small timescale. Within the “Key Design Integration Issue 1”, an…
The anticipated heat flux limit of the European DEMO first wall is ~1MW/m2. During transient and off normal events, the heat load deposited on the wall would be much larger than that the steady state heat load and exceed the first wall limit, therefore the breeding blanket first wall needs to be protected in such events. This involves de…
Within the DEMO first wall 3-D shape design activity the first study of the effect of misalignment has started. Such assessments have been conducted in the past for ITER and penalty factor maps have been created; this route could be a feasible approach in the case of DEMO wall design also. This paper details the first set of computational tests tha…
The JET outboard divertor targets are the in-vessel components which receive the largest heat flux density. Surface delamination, radial cracks, and tie rod failures have been observed in the outboard tungsten-coated CFC tiles, while bulk tungsten special lamellas were intentionally melted in dedicated experiments. These different types of damag…
Within the framework of EUROfusion DEMO First Wall and limiter design activities, the protection of the First Wall against power deposition peaks is being considered. During steady-state operation, the radiative power from the plasma could be considered uniformly spread on plasma-facing components. However, the presence of openings (i.e. g…
Nuclear fusion, the process by which the Sun generates energy, is proposed as one solution to secure the future of global energy supply. If successful it will provide an unlimited source of clean energy. Probably the most promising approach to harnessing fusion for energy production is that of the Tokamak device, a magnetic confinement device of to…
Increased neutralisation and hence injected neutral beam power can be achieved by increasing the neutraliser target. This has the potential to increase the loading on the ion source backplate due to backstreaming electrons. Measurements of the backplate power loading due to backstreaming electrons are presented for the JET EP2 neutral beam injector…
Pathways-reduced analysis is one of the techniques used by the Fispact-II nuclear activation and transmutation software to study the sensitivity of the computed inventories to uncertainties in reaction cross-sections. Although deciding which pathways are most important is very helpful in for example determining which nuclear data would benefit from…
Fispact-II is a code system and library database for modelling activation-transmutation processes depletion-burn-up, time dependent inventory and radiation damage source terms caused by nuclear reactions and decays. The Fispact-II code, written in object-style Fortran, follows the evolution of material irradiated by neutrons, alphas, gammas, proto…
Showing 1 - 10 of 17 UKAEA Paper Results