The edge plasma of a tokamak is affected by atomic physics processes and can have density and temperature variations along the magnetic field that strongly modify edge transport. A closed system of equations in the Pfirsch–Schluter regime is presented that can be solved for the radial and poloidal variation of the plasma density, electron and ion…
The kinetic theory of transport in an impure, partially ionized, edge plasma is developed. It is found that the thermal force between bulk ions and impurities is enhanced by the presence of neutral atoms, but the dynamical friction is not affected by the neutrals. When the neutral viscosity is large, an additional force on the impurities also arise…
The simplest nontrivial model of transport across a magnetic island chain in the presence of collisionless streaming along the magnetic field is solved by a Wiener–Hopf procedure. The solution found is valid provided the boundary layer about the island separatrix is narrow compared to the island width. The result demonstrates that when this assum…
Edge plasmas, such as the tokamak scrape-off layer, exist as a consequence of a balance between cross-field diffusion and parallel losses. The former is usually anomalous, and is widely thought to be driven by strong electrostatic turbulence. It is shown that the anomalous diffusion affects the parallel ion transport by giving rise to a new type of…
Both neoclassical theory and certain turbulence theories of particle transport in tokamaks predict the existence of bootstrap (i.e., pressure-driven) currents. Two new applications of this form of noninductive current are considered in this work. In the first, an earlier model of the nonlinearly saturated m= 1 tearing mode is extended to include th…
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