During bursty MHD events, transient ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is observed from deuterium plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD) heliotron-stellarator. Unusually, the frequencies of the successive ICE spectral peaks are not close to integer multiples of the local cyclotron frequency of an energetic ion population in the likely emitting regi…
Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) driven by perpendicular neutral beam-injected (NBI) deuterons, together with the distinctive ICE driven by tangential NBI, have been observed from heliotron-stellarator plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Radio frequency radiation in the lower hybrid range has also been observed, with frequency dependent on plasm…
Intense suprathermal radiation, with spectral peaks at multiple harmonics of the deuteron cyclotron frequency, is detected from the outer midplane edge of KSTAR deuterium plasmas that are heated by tangential neutral beam injection (NBI) of 100keV deuterons. We identify how this deuterium ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is generated, and distinguish t…
During ELM crashes in deuterium plasmas in the KSTAR tokamak, the emitted electromagnetic radiation includes features with sharp spectral structure in the frequency range up to ~900MHz. Cases where the spectral peaks below ~500MHz correspond to proton cyclotron harmonics at the outer midplane edge are explained (B Chapman et al., Nucl.…
Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is detected from all large toroidal magnetically conned fusion (MCF) plasmas. It is a form of spontaneous suprathermal radiation, whose spectral peak frequencies correspond to sequential cyclotron harmonics of energetic ion species, evaluated at the emission location. We first present an account of the worldwide exper…
Intense bursts of suprathermal radiation, with spectral peaks at frequencies corresponding to the deuteron cyclotron frequency in the outer midplane edge region, are often detected from deuterium plasmas in the KSTAR tokamak that are heated by tangential neutral beam injection (NBI) of deuterons at 100 keV. Identifying the physical process by wh…
Chirping observed in ion cyclotron emission (ICE) from the KSTAR tokamak at sequential proton harmonics in the range 200 to 500 MHz has recently been interpreted (B. Chapman et al., Nucl. Fusion 57, 124004 (2017)) as due to fast, sub-microsecond, evolution of the local deuterium plasma density. This density evolution changes the plasma environment …
Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) is detected during edge localised modes (ELMs) in the KSTAR tokamak at harmonics of the proton cyclotron frequency in the outer plasma edge. The emission typically chirps downward (occasionally upward) during ELM crashes, and is driven by confined 3MeV fusion-born protons that have large drift excursions from the plasma…
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 UKAEA Paper Results
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