An explanation of the observed improvement in H-mode pedestal characteristics with increasing core plasma pressure or poloidal beta, pol b , as observed in MAST and JET, is sought in terms of the impact of the Shafranov shift, D¢ , on ideal ballooning MHD stability. To illustrate this succinctly, a self-consistent treatment of the low magnetic she…
The role of anisotropic thermal diffusivity on tearing mode stability is analysed in general toroidal geometry following similar techniques to Glasser et al [A H Glasser, et al, Phys. Fluids 18 (1975) 875], although a stronger ordering of the plasma compressibility is required. Resistive layer equations are obtained for a resistive MHD model with a…
We investigate the linear theory of the ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) mode, with the goal of developing a general understanding that may be applied to stellarators. We highlight the Wendelstein 7X (W7-X) device. Simple fluid and kinetic models that follow closely from existing literature are reviewed and two new first-principle models are presente…
We have extended our study of the competition between the drive and stabilization of plasma microinstabilities by sheared flow to include electromagnetic effects at low plasma ß (the ratio of plasma to magnetic pressure). The extended system of characteristic equations is formulated, for a dissipative fluid model developed from the gyrokinetic equ…
Calculations of tearing mode stability in tokamaks split conveniently into an external region, where marginally stable ideal MHD is applicable, and a resonant layer around the rational surface where sophisticated kinetic physics is needed. These two regions are coupled by the stability parameter △'. Pressure and current perturbations local…
Many models for anomalous transport consider the turbulent E × B transport arising from electrostatic micro-instabilities. In this paper we investigate whether the perturbed magnetic field that is associated with such instabilities at small but finite values of ß can lead to significant stochastic magnetic field transport. Using the tearing parit…
A numerical study is carried out, based on a simple toroidal tokamak equilibrium, to demonstrate the radial re-distribution of the electromagnetic torque density, as a result of a rotating resistive plasma (linear) response to a static resonant magnetic perturbation field. The computed electromagnetic torque peaks at several radial locations even i…
Two methods for calculating tearing mode stability are described in this paper. A fast method using the recently improved T7 code (Ham et al. 2012 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 025009) and a new method based on the MARS-F MHD stability code (Liu et al. 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681) which constructs the tearing mode solution from calculated basis fun…
It is shown that in perfectly quasi-isodynamic stellarators, trapped particles with a bounce frequency much higher than the frequency of the instability are stabilizing in the electrostatic and collisionless limit. The collisionless trapped-particle instability is therefore stable as well as the ordinary electron-densitygradient- driven trapped-ele…
Showing 11 - 20 of 53 UKAEA Paper Results