The transport of angular momentum due to neutral atoms in the tokamak edge is calculated and shown to be sensitive to the poloidal location of the neutrals. In the absence of external momentum sources, the edge plasma is predicted to rotate spontaneously in the opposite direction to the plasma current, at a speed proportional to the radial ion temp…
Neutral atoms in the tokamak edge affect the electric field and plasma flow through charge exchange. Here, it is shown that these effects depend sensitively on the poloidal location of the atoms. It is found that the radial electric field and toroidal flow velocity in a collisional edge plasma are largest if the atoms are concentrated on the inboar…
Neutral atoms can significantly influence the physics of tokamak edge plasmas, e.g., by affecting the radial electric field and plasma flow there, which may, in turn, be important for plasma confinement. Earlier work [Fulop et al. , Phys. Plasmas 5 , 3969 (1998)], assuming short mean-free path neutrals and Pfirsch–Schluter ions, has shown that th…
It is shown that plasma waves need not have an asymmetric spectrum in order to produce an electric current in a plasma embedded in a curved magnetic field. For instance, in a toroidal plasma, up–down asymmetric electron–cyclotron heating drives a toroidal current even if there is no net wave–particle momentum transfer and the wave field does …
Ion plasma flow and flow shear just inside the last closed flux surface of a tokamak can be strongly altered by neutral atoms and anomalous effects. For a collisional edge, neutrals modify the standard Pfirsch–Schluter expression for the parallel ion flow through the strong coupling provided by ion–neutral collisions. Even for rather small neut…
The edge plasma of a tokamak is affected by atomic physics processes and can have density and temperature variations along the magnetic field that strongly modify edge transport. A closed system of equations in the Pfirsch–Schluter regime is presented that can be solved for the radial and poloidal variation of the plasma density, electron and ion…
Bulk ion flow can be modified by ion–neutral interactions in the edge region of tokamaks where neutral atoms are abundant. In this region, the standard neoclassical expression for the ion flow is not consistent with the experimental observations. Previous work in the plateau regime [Valanju et al., Phys. Fluids B 4, 2675 (1992)] suggests that the…
The kinetic theory of transport in an impure, partially ionized, edge plasma is developed. It is found that the thermal force between bulk ions and impurities is enhanced by the presence of neutral atoms, but the dynamical friction is not affected by the neutrals. When the neutral viscosity is large, an additional force on the impurities also arise…
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results