The STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) Programme aims to deliver a UK prototype fusion energy plant, targeting 2040, and a path to commercial viability of fusion. To deliver on this aim, we have performed initial scoping to identify the design point for a spherical tokamak prototype powerplant producing at least 100 MWe of…
Titanium and chromium beryllides, TiBe12 and CrBe12, are materials of potential future importance as neutron multipliers for tritium breeding in nuclear fusion reactors. Beryllium experiences extremely high transmutation according to a n →2n transmutation reaction in which both tritium and helium are produced, which norma…
A detailed description of the Langmuir probe system on Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak Upgrade is presented. The system features 850 tile-embedded probes and 40 bespoke electronic modules that each have the capability to drive and acquire data from up to 16 probes in a time-multiplexed manner. The system provides spatiotemporal-resolved measurements …
Investigations were undertaken into the thermal treatment of beryllium and tungsten to see if these materials can be detritiated in the Material Detritiation Facility (MDF) at UKAEA, allowing for the declassification of intermediate level waste (ILW) to low level waste (LLW). When heated in oxygen, both tungsten and beryllium readily oxidise, wi…
Investigations were undertaken into the thermal treatment of beryllium and tungsten to see if these materials can be detritiated in the Material Detritiation Facility (MDF) at UKAEA, allowing for the declassification of intermediate level waste (ILW) to low level waste (LLW). When heated in oxygen, both tungsten and beryllium readily oxidise, wi…
We present new two applications, AURORA and Achlys, developed using the MOOSE framework for finite element analysis, intended to facilitate engineering analysis for fusion reactors. Respectively these couple neutronics and tritium transport to native MOOSE physics modules including heat conduction and tensor mechanics. We outline steps taken to pe…
Neutron flux measurements are important in fusion devices for both safety requirements and physics studies. A newsystem has been built for the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak Upgrade (MAST Upgrade) that provides neutron count,DC and Campbell mode measurements for a 1μsperiod at 1 MHz. The acquisition system uses a Red Pitaya board tosample current from…
Plasma Event TRiggering for Alarms (PETRA) is a flexible new system at JET for detecting plasma events to trigger exception handling responses. It provides a platform for all existing and new techniques which involve processing JET real-time data to identify when to change the trajectory of a plasma shot, and reduces the technical cost and risk in …
Just like most industrial or scientific installations, future fusion reactors will require more or less frequent maintenance. The expected environmental conditions, as well as the necessity of carrying out many maintenance tasks in parallel in result in remote robotic maintenance becoming a necessity in order to minimize the maintenance shutdown du…
The containment vessel of the Joint European Torus is a huge, complicated assembly with a myriad of components, all of which are important for plasma operation. As a research device, JET has been operated over many years and has been extensively rebuilt. During each maintenance shutdown, inspections and measurements of the Vacuum Vessel are carri…
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results