In this manuscript we present the recently developed flexible framework for building both fluid and electron kinetic models of the tokamak Scrape-Off Layer in 1D - ReMKiT1D (Reactive Multi-fluid and Kinetic Transport in 1D). The framework can handle systems of non-linear ODEs, various 1D PDEs arising in fluid modelling, as well as PDEs arising from…
The study of plasma exhaust remains a core focus of current efforts towards viable DEMO-class magnetically confined fusion devices. The scrape-off layer (SOL) features complex physics. This is especially true for detachment, a mechanism where a cloud of neutrals forms at the divertor target and becomes a sink of plasma energy, momentum and part…
Tokamak edge (scrape-off layer) plasmas can exhibit non-local transport in the direction parallel to the magnetic field due to steep temperature gradients.This effect along with its consequences has been explored at equilibrium fora range of conditions, from sheath-limited to detached, using the 1D kinetic electron code SOL-KiT, where the electrons…
We present the first parallel electron transport results obtained using the newly developed 1D transport code SOL-KiT. In order to properly predict divertor heat loads it is of key importance to develop a thorough understanding of discrepancies between different parallel transport modelling approaches. With the capability to self-consistently sw…
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