An overview of the modelling approaches, validation methods and recent main results of analysis and modelling activities related to the plasma-wall interaction in JET-ILW experiments, including the recent H/D/T campaigns is presented in the paper. Code applications to JET-ILW experiments improve general erosion/migration/retention prediction cap…
The analysis of quiescent discharges exhibiting edge harmonic magnetoydrodynamic activity in the JET-Carbon wall machine is presented. It is observed that the quiescent phase with multiple-n harmonic oscillations is sustained until a threshold in pedestal electron density and collisionality is crossed. The macroscopic pedestal parameters associated…
In tokamak operation the control of dangerous MHD instabilities, possibly in r-t scenarios, must rely on prompt robust diagnostics of the state and stability of the system. The set of magnetic signals measured on the outside of the plasma boundary, based on the Zakharov-Shafranov, Shkarowsky, Wootton (ZSSW) current moments has been always used f…
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