An overview of the modelling approaches, validation methods and recent main results of analysis and modelling activities related to the plasma-wall interaction in JET-ILW experiments, including the recent H/D/T campaigns is presented in the paper. Code applications to JET-ILW experiments improve general erosion/migration/retention prediction cap…
The JET ITER-like Wall (ILW) divertor mostly consists of CFC tiles coated with a thick tungsten (W) layer over a molybdenum (Mo) interlayer. Poloidal sets of tiles are additionally coated with ~3 microns of Mo and ~4 microns of W to act as markers to measure the erosion/deposition during ILW campaigns. A few of the marker tiles only have the Mo …
Beryllium samples from the JET ITER-like wall limiter tiles with either co-deposits or surface cracks caused by melt damage, were immersed into boiling water for 4 h 15 min to simulate and assess the impact of coolant water ingress into a tokamak on the state of Be components. Microscopy of the water-treated surfaces and the residue in the water re…
JET tokamak with the ITER-like wall is operated with arrays of castellated beryllium limiters in the main chamber. In several locations Be marker tiles were installed for erosion-deposition studies. The castellation sides and the plasma-facing surfaces (PFS) of Be marker tiles from three different locations of the JET main chamber, from the expe…
The Joint European Torus (JET) is operated with the ITER-Like Wall (JET-ILW): beryllium in the main chamber and tungsten in the divertor in order to replicate materials for ITER. It was present systematic and quantitative study of tritium retention in dust and divertor tiles of ILW by means of tritium imaging plate technique to assess tritium le…
A tungsten Langmuir probe exposed in the JET divertor during the ITER-like wall campaigns (ILW) has been studied to evaluate changes in mechanical properties and microstructure. The tip of the probe that was exposed to plasma was cross-sectioned and polished for post mortem analysis. Analysis involved a comparison with a non-exposed probe to de…
This work was carried out to identify sources of errors, uncertainties and discrepancies in studies of fuel retention in wall components from the JET tokamak using methods based on thermal desorption. The parallel aim was to establish good practices in measurements and to unify procedures in data handling. A comprehensive program designed for deute…
The contribution provides a concise overview of ion beam analysis methods and pro- cedures in studies of materials exposed to fusion plasmas in controlled fusion devices with magnetic confinement. An impact of erosion-deposition processes on the morphology of wall materials is- presented. In particular, results for deuterium analyses are discussed.…
Self-ion irradiation of pure tungsten with 2 MeV W ions provides a way of simulating microstructures generated by neutron irradiation in tungsten components of a fusion reactor. Electron microscopy has been used to characterize defects formed in tungsten samples by ion irradiation and estimate their density and size distribution. Some of the sample…
This contribution outlines a strategy for assessing tritium (T) inventory in plasma facing components (PFC) during JET T operations. It is based on retention as a fraction of fuel injected in-vessel, currently reported as 0.24% for 2011-2012 operating period, in conjunction with the planned T pulse schedule providing fueling of 4 g T injected per d…
Showing 1 - 10 of 29 UKAEA Paper Results