An overview of the modelling approaches, validation methods and recent main results of analysis and modelling activities related to the plasma-wall interaction in JET-ILW experiments, including the recent H/D/T campaigns is presented in the paper. Code applications to JET-ILW experiments improve general erosion/migration/retention prediction cap…
The tungsten erosion within STEP assuming tungsten main wall and tungsten divertor has been estimated with ERO at the inner and outer divertor, at the inner and outer midplane and at the outboard baffle entrance. Plasma parameters are based on SOLPS simulations applying argon puffing for edge cooling. The modelled peak gross erosion is highest with…
In the paper we present an overview of interpretive modelling of a database of JET-ILW 2021 D-T discharges using the TRANSP code. Our main aim is to assess our capability of computationally reproducing the fusion performance of various D-T plasma scenarios using different external heating and D-T mixtures, and understand the performance driving mec…
JET has investigated one the key issues for the baseline scenario in ITER, the integration of a radiative divertor for heat load control with the use of neon and nitrogen as seed impurity. A characterization of the choice of the impurity seed on plasma confinement, neutrons, pedestal MHD stability, pedestal instabilities, core transport is given…
The first divertor was installed in the JET machine between 1992 and 1994 and was operated with carbon tiles and then beryllium tiles in 1994-5. Post-mortem studies after these first experiments demonstrated that most of the impurities deposited in the divertor originate in the main chamber, and that asymmetric deposition patterns generally favouri…
The first divertor was installed in the JET machine between 1992 and 1994 and was operated with carbon tiles and then beryllium tiles in 1994–5. Post-mortem studies after these first experiments demonstrated that most of the impurities deposited in the divertor originate in the main chamber, and that asymmetric deposition patterns generally favou…
The initial current ramp phase of JET hybrid plasmas is used to optimise the target q-profile for main heating to allow access to high beta and avoid MHD instabilities. Mixed protium-deuterium experiments, carried out at JET since the installation of the beryllium-tungsten wall, have shown that the q-profile evolution during this Ohmic phase varies…
An understanding of the plasma edge and divertor is essential for predicting the performance of next-step machines such as ITER. Transport codes used to study the divertor behaviour [1] employ atomic physics data in two applications. The first is to predict the power radiated by the fuel and impurity atoms, which is carried out as a post-processing…
Showing 1 - 10 of 40 UKAEA Paper Results