A key aim of the 2021 JET deuterium-tritium (D-T) experiments was to demonstrate steady high fusion power (10-15MW) with the ITER-like Be/W first wall. Plasmas were developed using D, repeated with T to investigate and mitigate isotope effects, and run with D-T to maximise fusion power. Compared with high current (q95~3) ‘baseline’ plasmas, …
The motional Stark effect ( MSE ) diagnostic on the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor will need to guide the light through a labyrinth of mirrors to provide neutron shielding. Knowledge of how the mirrors change the polarization is essential for accurate determination of the q profile. The optical properties of the plasma facing mirr…
Simultaneous current ramping and application of lower hybrid heating and current drive (LHCD) have produced a region with zero current density within measurement errors in the core of JET tokamak optimized shear discharges. The reduction of core current density is consistent with a simple physical explanation and numerical simulations of radial cur…
Modern charge-coupled-device (CCD) detectors can achieve peak quantum efficiencies of 90%, compared with less than 10% for the photocathode of an electron multiplier. We report on laboratory tests of examples of these two detector technologies to evaluate their relative performance for precision Doppler spectroscopy of laboratory plasmas. The tests…
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 UKAEA Paper Results
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