Spherical tokamaks (STs) have many desirable features that make them an attractive choice for a future fusion power plant. Power plant viability is intrinsically related to plasma heat and particle confinement and this is often determined by the level of micro-instability driven turbulence. Accurate calculation of the properties of turbulent micro-…
Prediction of material performance in fusion reactor environments relies on computational modelling, and will continue to do so until the first generation of fusion power plants come on line and allow long-term behaviour to be observed. In the meantime, the modelling is supported by experiments that attempt to replicate some aspects of the eventua…
Research into remote sensing tools for environmentalmonitoring is an essential aspect for ensuring a healthy anthriving biosphere under the canopy, but also for preventingforest-related hazards from occurring. The challenges associatedwith forestry robotics are posed by the environment itself, asforests are wide-spread areas with a high density …
Configuration entropy is believed to stabilize disordered solid solution phases in multicomponent systems at elevated temperatures over intermetallic compounds by lowering the Gibbs free energy. Traditionally the …
Following the lead of [Nguyen Van Yen Nucl. Fus. 52 (2012) 013005 (11pp)], this article tackles the problem of tomographic inversion with one camera assuming a constant emissivity of light along the magnetic field lines. In this way, the 3D problem reduces to 2D by helical symmetry, allowing for the reconstruction of any poloidal plane in the …
The structural changes during the phase change between the amorphous and crystalline phase in Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 have been the subject of intense study due to the importance of Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 in phase change memory devices. In our study, the energetics of the transition between the crystalline and the amorphous phase of Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 is explored using…
Integrated predictive modeling simulations are carried out using the BALDUR transport code [Singer et al. , Comput. Phys. Commun. 49 , 275 (1982)] for high confinement mode (H-mode) and low confinement mode (L-mode) discharges in the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) [Sykes et al. , Phys. Plasmas 8 , 2101 (2001)]. Simulation results, obtained using…
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 UKAEA Paper Results
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