Fusion power plant designs based on magnetic confinement, such as the tokamak design, offer a promising route to sustainable fusion power but require robust exhaust solutions capable of tolerating intense heat and particle fluxes from the plasma to material surfaces. Turbulent plasma transport in the divertor volume – the region where the plasma-…
The role of neutral and charged hydrogenic molecules in detached regimes of tokamak plasmas is investigated using simplified 1D parallel numerical models. Using MAST-Upgrade like conditions, simulations are implemented to study the rollover of target flux in upstream density scan and target temperature scan. It is found that if H2 and H2+ are cons…
A comparison between different alternative divertor configurations, in terms of benefits and additional complexity is carried out for the European DEMO. A synergetic approach between different aspects of the problem, including physics and engineering, provides new insight on the capabilities of the new divertors to handle the exhausted power wit…
The here presented work studies the dynamics of filaments using 3D full-f fluid simulations in the presence of detached background profiles. It was found that evolving the neutrals on the time-scale of the filament did not have a significant impact on the dynamics of the filament. In general a decreasing filament velocity with increasing plasma den…
Using a kinetic model for the ions and adiabatic electrons, we solve a steady state, electron-repelling magnetic presheath in which a uniform magnetic field makes a small angle α
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