We have monitored the full-stage precipitate evolution in Cu-0.55Cr-0.07Zr alloy during aging at 480 C using positron annihilation spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. Cr-rich precipitates form during the early stages of aging, and after 5.5 min the distribution is characterised by a number density of 8102…
Beryllium samples from the JET ITER-like wall limiter tiles with either co-deposits or surface cracks caused by melt damage, were immersed into boiling water for 4 h 15 min to simulate and assess the impact of coolant water ingress into a tokamak on the state of Be components. Microscopy of the water-treated surfaces and the residue in the water re…
Rare-earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) coated conductor tapes within next-generation tokamak pilot and power plant magnets will be exposed to broad-spectrum gamma-ray and neutron irradiation concurrently. It has been known since the 1980s that cumulative neutron fluence affects the superconducting properties of REBCO, but the effects of gamma rays …
The high ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of tungsten combined with its high hardness make machining incredibly difficult. These properties typically result in the poor-quality machined surfaces and short tool life. In this study, TiAlN coated carbide tools with different rake angles (8°, 10° and 12°) were tested in convention…
While current tokamak experiments are beginning to utilise real-time feedback control systems to manage the plasma exhaust, future tokamaks still require validation of theoretical models used to predict the threshold impurity concentration required to facilitate stationary divertor operation. This work exploits new spectroscopic measurements of …
The ITER Tokamak Exhaust Processing (TEP) system relies on palladium membrane reactors (PMRs) for tritium recovery. The PMR consists of a palladium/silver membrane permeator filled with a catalyst, that can be used to recover hydrogen species (most importantly tritium) from methane and water impurities present in fusion reactor exhaust emissions…
Understanding of fuel retention and release processes from plasma facing components (PFCs) of ITER like wall materials is important from fundamental and technological aspects [1]. Detailed information about fuel retention and release characteristics in plasma facing components from JET will allow…
An investigation has been carried out to verify if the strain rate sensitivity effect of 316 steel material can be measured using the small punch test method. It was found that the effect was observed during small punch testing over a displacement rate range of 0.0125 – 1.25 mm/min, with maximum load increasing as the rate increased, and the stra…
‘Advanced tokamak’ (AT) scenarios were developed with the aim of reaching tokamak steady-state operation. They are designed to optimise the self-generated current, whilst also reaching sufficiently high plasma pressure to achieve optimal fusion reaction rates. AT scenarios exhibit non-monotonic to flat safety factor profiles (q, a measure of th…
A two-fluid computer model of electromagnetic tokamak turbulence, CUTIE , is used to study the dynamic structure and turbulent transport in the Rijnhuizen Tokamak Project tokamak. A discharge with dominant, off-axis electron cyclotron heating is the main focus of the simulations which were extended over several resistive diffusion times. CUTIE repr…
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 UKAEA Paper Results