In the last three years, magnetic reconnection research in the MAST spherical tokamak achieved major progress by use of new 32 chord ion Doppler tomography, 130 channel YAG and 300 channel Ruby Thomson scattering diagnostics. In addition to the previously achieved high power plasma heating during merging, detailed full temperature profile measureme…
The Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) is the centre piece of the UK fusion research programme.In 2010, a MAST Upgrade programme was initiated with three primary objectives, to contribute to: (1)testing reactor concepts (in particular exhaust solutions via a flexible divertor allowing Super-X and otherextended leg configurations); (2) adding to the …
A single chord two-color CO2/HeNe (10.6/0.633 µm) heterodyne laser interferometer has been designed to measure the line integral electron density along the mid-plane of the MAST Upgrade tokamak, with a typical error of 1 × 1018 m-3 (~2 phase error) at 4 MHz temporal resolution. To ensure this diagnostic system can be restored from any failures wi…
A real-time system has been developed to trigger both the MAST Thomson scattering (TS) system and the plasma control system on the phase and amplitude of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs), extending the capabilities of the original system. This triggering system determines the phase and amplitude of a given NTM using magnetic coils at different tor…
Deconvolution of Thomson scattering (TS) profiles is required when the gradient length of the electron temperature ( T e ) or density ( n e ) are comparable to the instrument function length ( R ). The most correct method for deconvolution to obtain underlying T e and n e profiles is by consideration of scattered signals. However, deconvolution at …
A major upgrade to the ruby Thomson scattering (TS) system has been designed and implemented on the Mega-ampere spherical tokamak (MAST). MAST is equipped with two TS systems, a Nd:YAG laser system and a ruby laser system. Apart from common collection optics each system provides independent measurements of the electron temperature and density profi…
A Thomson scattering diagnostic designed to measure both edge and core physics has been implemented on MAST. The system uses eight Nd:YAG lasers, each with a repetition rate of 30 Hz. The relative and absolute timing of the lasers may be set arbitrarily to produce fast bursts of measurements to suit the time evolution of the physics being studied. …
Absolute calibration of LIDAR Thomson scattering systems on large fusion devices may be achieved using rotational Raman scattering. The choice of calibrating gas molecule presents different options and design trade-offs and is likely to be strongly dependent on the laser wavelength selected. Raman scattering of hydrogenic molecules produces a very …
Pellet material deposited in a tokamak plasma experiences a drift towards the low field side of the torus induced by the magnetic field gradient. Plasma fuelling in ITER relies on the beneficial effect of this drift to increase the pellet deposition depth and fuelling efficiency. It is therefore important to analyse this phenomenon in present machi…
The H-mode pedestal characteristics on MAST are measured in a variety of Connected Double Null (CDN) and Single Null Divertor (SND) discharges. In CDN discharges the edge density pedestal width in spatial co-ordinates is similar on both the high and low field sides suggesting that the width may be determined by neutral penetration. However, in SND …
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 UKAEA Paper Results