Engineering components within a fusion reactor are subjected to extreme environments including high heat flux, strong magnetic fields, and neutron irradiation. Simulations are required to predict the in-service lifetimes of fusion components and ensuring credibility of these simulations requires validation over testable domains. Divertors are re…
In the hot metal forming processes, materials deform viscoplastically and the microstructure of materials changes dynamically, and constitutive equations used to characterize the material flow and microstructure evolution during the deformation can be complicated. Although different types of constitutive equations have been proposed by many researc…
The CHIMERA fusion technology facility, currently under construction at the UKAEA site in South Yorkshire, will enable testing of large in-vessel component modules under reactor-like conditions of combined in-vacuo thermal power density and magnetic field. With integral large superconducting magnet and PWR water loop, CHIMERA is also ideally pla…
Future fusion reactors using deuterium-tritium fuel will create high fluences of high-energy neutrons inside and around the reactor vessel. As well as causing material damage, fusion neutrons will activate materials, the decay of which leads to radiation fields in and around the reactor after shutdown. Gamma-ray emission from activated materials…
Constitutive behaviour of fusion-relevant steels in the post-necking regime is necessary for detailed design of future fusion device components. A Finite Element Model Updating (FEMU) procedure using Digital Image Correlation (DIC), a simulated DIC filter and novel constitutive law was developed. The effects of the DIC process and experimental nois…
A small, novel, integrated SHM system has been deployed during full-scale testing of a wing fatigue test and a fuselage pressurisation test. Complementary NDE measurement techniques were combined, with inputs from visible and infrared optical sensors, as well as resistance strain gauges. Sensor unitswere deployed at regions of interest and int…
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project with the aim to prove the feasibility of nuclear fusion as a large-scale carbon-free source of energy. The reactor vessel contains several diagnostic windows that provide a line of sight to the plasma. Design and qualif…
Due to the strong rate dependence in their mechanical response, polymers find widespread use in applications subject to impact loading. However, characterizing these materials on microsecond time scales has proven challenging. Traditional experimental techniques rely on satisfying a number of limiting assumptions and typically do not provide direct…
In-vessel plasma facing components in fusion reactors such as ITER and DEMO experience high thermal loads and require active cooling, for which water is one possible coolant. The solution where plasma facing components utilise tungsten blocks as sacrificial armour has a joint internal structure of cooling tubes made from the copper base (~99% Cu…
Understanding the effects of interfacial micro-structures/-defects such as voids, grain boundaries (GB) and partial recrystallization (Rx) is critical to achieving superior mechanical properties for safety-critical parts. These features may appear during advanced manufacturing processes such as sintering, additive manufacturing (AM), and diffusi…
Showing 1 - 10 of 131 UKAEA Paper Results