A detailed experiment-theory comparison reveals that linear ideal MHD theory is in quantitative agreement with external magnetic and internal soft x-ray measurements of the plasma response to externally applied non-axisymmetric fields over a broad range of beta and rotation. This result represents a significant step toward the goal of advancing the…
Two issues of the resistive wall mode (RWM) control code maturity are addressed: the inclusion of advanced mode damping physics beyond the ideal MHD description, and the possibility of taking into account the influence of 3D features of the conducting structures on the mode stability and control. Examples of formulations and computational results a…
Self-consistent computations are carried out to study the stability of the resistive wall mode RWM in DIII-D J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42 , 614 2002 plasmas with slow plasma rotation, using the hybrid kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic code MARS-K [Y. Q. Liu and et al. , Phys. Plasmas 15 , 112503 (2008)]. Based on kinetic resonances between the mode and t…
Non-linear reduced MHD modelling of the response of a toroidally rotating plasma on Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) is presented for DIII-D and ITER typical parameter. The non-linear cylindrical reduced MHD (RMHD) code was adapted to take into account toroidal rotation and plasma braking mechanisms such as resonant braking (~jxB) and the Neo…
Active control of the resistive wall mode RWM for DIII-D [Luxon and Davis, Fusion Technol. 8 , 441 (1985)] plasmas is studied using the MARS-F code [Y. Q. Liu, and et al. , Phys. Plasmas 7 , 3681 (2000)]. Control optimization shows that the mode can be stabilized up to the ideal wall beta limit, using the internal control coils I-coils and poloidal…
Dedicated experiments in the DIII-D tokamak J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion, 42 , 614 2002, the Joint European Torus JET P. H. Rebut, R. J. Bickerton, and B. E. Keen, Nucl. Fusion 25 , 1011 1985, and the National Spherical Torus Experiment NSTX M. Ono, S. M. Kaye, Y.-K. M. Peng et al. , Nucl. Fusion 40 , 557 2000 reveal the commonalities of resistive wal…
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 UKAEA Paper Results
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