Ensuring tritium fuel self-sufficiency while maintaining continuous and high specification fuel flow to the tokamak via a low tritium inventory and controllable fuel cycle is a significant challenge to the STEP plant design. Effective and high-quality fuelling and exhausting is required to sustain and control a stable plasma, whereas fuel suffic…
In the quest of new materials that can withstand severe irradiation and mechanical extremes for advanced applications (e.g. fission & fusion reactors, space applications, etc.), design, prediction and control of advanced materials beyond current material designs become paramount. Here, through a combined experimental and simulation methodol…
Short-range order (SRO) in multicomponent concentrated alloys affects their mechanical response. Hence, is paramount to understand how composition modifies the chemical ordering in the system to design materials with optimal properties. We present here a methodology to predict the SRO and thermodynamic properties in chemically complex systems an…
In the hot metal forming processes, materials deform viscoplastically and the microstructure of materials changes dynamically, and constitutive equations used to characterize the material flow and microstructure evolution during the deformation can be complicated. Although different types of constitutive equations have been proposed by many researc…
ITER In-Vessel Components (IVCs) will have limited lifetimes and need to be maintained and/or replaced during the operational life of ITER. IVCs are attached to the plant cooling water system via pipework to enable active cooling of the components during plasma operations. When maintenance is required, Remote Handling Systems (RHS) will be used …
Understanding the effects of interfacial micro-structures/-defects such as voids, grain boundaries (GB) and partial recrystallization (Rx) is critical to achieving superior mechanical properties for safety-critical parts. These features may appear during advanced manufacturing processes such as sintering, additive manufacturing (AM), and diffusi…
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project with the aim to prove the feasibility of nuclear fusion as a large-scale carbon-free source of energy. The reactor vessel contains several diagnostic windows that provide a line of sight to the plasma. Design and qualif…
The Joint European Torus (JET) is operated with the ITER-Like Wall (JET-ILW): beryllium in the main chamber and tungsten in the divertor in order to replicate materials for ITER. It was present systematic and quantitative study of tritium retention in dust and divertor tiles of ILW by means of tritium imaging plate technique to assess tritium le…
Stainless-steel 316L is one of the widely used structural materials in the nuclear industry, because of its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. However, very few researches can be found on its viscoplastic behavior and microstructure evolution at warm and hot deformation conditions, which hinder the possible applicat…
In the quest of new materials that can withstand severe irradiation and mechanical extremes for advanced applications (e.g. fission reactors, fusion devices, space applications, etc), design, prediction and control of advanced materials beyond current material designs become a paramount goal. Here, though a combined experimental and simula…
Showing 1 - 10 of 30 UKAEA Paper Results