The plasma response to the vacuum resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) fields, produced by the ELM control coils in ASDEX Upgrade experiments, is computationally modelled using the MARS-F/K codes [Liu Y.Q. et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681; Liu Y.Q. et al 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 112503]. A systematic investigation is carried out, considering various pl…
Sustained Edge Localised Mode (ELM) mitigation has been achieved on MAST and AUG using RMPs with various toroidal mode numbers over a wide range of low to medium collisionality discharges. The ELM energy loss and peak heat loads at the divertor targets have been reduced. The ELM mitigation phase is typically associated with a drop in plasma density…
The three dimensional plasma boundary displacements induced by applied nonaxisymmetric magnetic perturbations have been measured in ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JET, MAST and NSTX. The displacements arising from applied resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) are measured up to ±5% of the minor radius in present day machines. Good agreement can be found …
The constructive interference effect described by Fuchs et al. [1] shows that the mode conversion and thereby the overall heating efficiency can be enhanced significantly when an integer number of fast wave wavelengths can be folded in between the high field side fast wave cutoff and the ion-ion hybrid layer(s) at which the ion Bernstein or ion cyc…
The COMPASS tokamak, a mid-sized flexible device with ITER-like shape, which can operate in H-mode, is starting its re-established operation at the Institute of Plasma Physics in Prague. A new 600 kW, 40 keV neutral beam injection (NBI) system is foreseen as a major upgrade. Reported here are predictive simulations with the ASTRA transport code, in…
A theory of fast wave absorption in a high-beta plasma is given. A reduced, second-order, ordinary differential equation has been used which includes all collisionless electron dissipation mechanisms and ion cyclotron damping over many harmonics. This is relevant to the high-harmonic fast wave heating scheme proposed by Ono [Phys. Plasmas 2, 4075 (…
An analysis of ion cyclotron resonance heating in a plasma containing two ion species is given. Particular emphasis is placed on the important case of comparable concentrations of the two species. The properties of ion-Bernstein waves in such a plasma are discussed. A summary of the cutoff– resonance (Budden) and cutoff–resonance–cutoff (trip…
We apply a fast wave approximation to the propagation of the fast wave across the magnetic field. This approximation involves replacing the hot plasma conductivity tensor by an approximation which reduces the problem to a second order differential equation. Such a procedure is particularly useful in the high harmonic regime, where many terms with t…
The fast wave approximation, extended to include the effects of electron dissipation, is used to calculate the power mode converted to the ion hybrid (Bernstein) wave in the vicinity of the ion hybrid resonance. The power absorbed from the fast wave by ion cyclotron damping and by electron Landau and transit time damping (including cross terms) is …
A full-wave equation has been obtained from the gyrokinetic theory for the fast wave traversing a minority cyclotron resonance [Phys. Fluids B 4, 493 ( 1992)] with the aid of the fast wave approximation [Phys. Fluids 31, 1614 (1988)]. This theory describes the transmission, reflection, and absorption of the fast wave for arbitrary values of the par…
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 UKAEA Paper Results
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