Access into H-mode is studied in the MAST tokamak when plasma is fuelled by cryogenic pellets. It is shown that pellet fuelling from the high field side allows access to Hmode in plasmas heated by neutral beams. Simple and two-stage L-H transitions are identified. The results of comparison of the L-H transitions with pellet injection with transitio…
MAST plasmas with a safety factor above unity and a profile with either weakly reversed shear, or broad low shear regions, regularly exhibit long-lived saturated ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. The toroidal rotation is flattened in the presence of such perturbations and the fast ion losses are enhanced. These ideal modes, distinguish…
This paper describes the interferometer systems on the Large Helical Device (LHD). LHD is equipped with five interferometer systems, each of which has a different operational purpose and measurable electron density range. A single-channel millimeter-wave interferometer is mainly used for low-density plasmas along a horizontal line of sight on the e…
One of the main operational aims of the MAST experiment [1] and the proposed MAST upgrade is to investigate possible mechanisms to control the q-profile and drive off-axis current. Experiments were carried out to determine the extent to which the q-profile may be modified using two different approaches, transient and steady-state. Transient effects…
Particle confinement processes are studied in detail on the Large Helical Device (LHD). Diffusion coefficients (D) and convection velocities (V) are estimated from density modulation experiments. The magnetic configuration and collisionality are widely scanned in order to investigate parameter dependences of D and V. To study the effect of the magn…
The plasma position and shape on the COMPASS-D tokamak have been controlled simultaneously with a 75- kHz bandwidth, hard-wired, real-time neural network. The primary network operates with up to 48 selected magnetic inputs and has been used in the vertical position control loop to control the position of the upper edge of the plasma at the radius o…
Showing 41 - 49 of 49 UKAEA Paper Results