Plasma turbulence on disparate spatial and temporal scales plays a key role in defining the level of confinement achievable in tokamaks, with the development of reduced numerical models for cross-scale turbulence effects informed by experimental measurements an essential step. MAST-U is a well-equipped facility having instruments to measure ion …
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the preliminary divertor design and plasma exhaust scenario for the reactor-class Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) project. Due to the smaller size of the machine, with a major radius less than half that of most DEMO concepts, the current design features a double-null divertor geometr…
The injection of energetic neutral particles into the plasma of magnetic confinement fusion reactors is a widely-accepted method for heating such plasmas; various types of neutral beam are also used for diagnostic purposes. Accurate atomic data are required to properly model beam penetration into the plasma and to interpret photoemission spectra…
In the quest of new materials that can withstand severe irradiation and mechanical extremes for advanced applications (e.g. fission & fusion reactors, space applications, etc.), design, prediction and control of advanced materials beyond current material designs become paramount. Here, through a combined experimental and simulation methodol…
This article presents an in-depth study of the sequence of events leading to density limit disruption in J-TEXT tokamak plasmas, with an emphasis on boudary turbulent transport and the high-field-side high-density (HFSHD) front. These phenomena were extensively investigated by using Langmuir probe and Polarimeter-interferometer diagnostics. The res…
A fusion power plant requires not only the control of the high energy plasma but also advanced techniques for maintenance and assembly in order to generate electricity consistently and safely. Laser welding is a promising technique for cutting and joining pipes and in-vessel components made of Eurofer97, a European baseline structural material. How…
Understanding the effects of interfacial micro-structures/-defects such as voids, grain boundaries (GB) and partial recrystallization (Rx) is critical to achieving superior mechanical properties for safety-critical parts. These features may appear during advanced manufacturing processes such as sintering, additive manufacturing (AM), and diffusi…
Stainless-steel 316L is one of the widely used structural materials in the nuclear industry, because of its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. However, very few researches can be found on its viscoplastic behavior and microstructure evolution at warm and hot deformation conditions, which hinder the possible applicat…
In the quest of new materials that can withstand severe irradiation and mechanical extremes for advanced applications (e.g. fission reactors, fusion devices, space applications, etc), design, prediction and control of advanced materials beyond current material designs become a paramount goal. Here, though a combined experimental and simula…
Manufacturing austenite stainless steels (ASSs) using additive manufacturing (AM) is of great interest for cryogenic applications. Here, the mechanical and microstructural responses of a 316L ASS built by laser powder-bed-fusion (L-PBF) were revealed by performing in situ neutron diffraction tensile tests at the low-temperature range (from 373 to 1…
Showing 1 - 10 of 65 UKAEA Paper Results