This article presents an in-depth study of the sequence of events leading to density limit disruption in J-TEXT tokamak plasmas, with an emphasis on boudary turbulent transport and the high-field-side high-density (HFSHD) front. These phenomena were extensively investigated by using Langmuir probe and Polarimeter-interferometer diagnostics. The res…
This article reports the first observation of the high-field side high density (HFSHD) in the limiter devices. In the J-TEXT high density discharges, the high-density front at the HFS scrape-off layer (SOL) region edge has been clearly identified by the far-infrared laser polarimeter-interferometer. The HFSHD forms at the HFS SOL, and then expan…
Prediction of material performance in fusion reactor environments relies on computational modelling, and will continue to do so until the first generation of fusion power plants come on line and allow long-term behaviour to be observed. In the meantime, the modelling is supported by experiments that attempt to replicate some aspects of the eventua…
Driving energy consumption plays a major role in mobile robots navigating challenging environments, especially if they are left to operate unattended under limited on-board power. This paper reports on first results of an energy-aware path planner, which can provide estimates of the driving energy consumption and energy recovery of a robot traversi…
Present inspection techniques in place at the Joint European Torus (JET), as well as some of those planned for ITER make use of robotically deployed inspection systems, which typically collect data for offline analysis. This can be a slow, laborious process with subjective or error-prone results. There are significant benefits to be gained through …
The Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) bridges the gap between ITER and a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO). The primary objectives of CFETR are: demonstrate tritium self-sufficiency, ~1GW fusion power, operate in steady-state and have a duty cycle of 0.3-0.5 [1]. CFETR is in the pre-conceptual design phase and is currently envis…
The spherical torus/tokamak (ST) is a potentially attractive configuration for narrowing scientific and technical gaps to a fusion demonstration power plant and as a more compact and/or modular fusion power source. Due to a reduced plasma surface area to volume ratio, the ST configuration offers the potential to access high power exhaust heat fl…
Internal flow behaviour during melt-pool-based metal manufacturing remains unclear and hinders progression to process optimisation. In this contribution, we present direct time-resolved imaging of melt pool flow dynamics from a high-energy synchrotron radiation experiment. We track internal flow streams during arc welding of steel and measure insta…
Application of lower hybrid (LH) current drive in tokamak plasmas can induce both co- and countercurrent directed changes in toroidal rotation, depending on the core q profile. For discharges with q0 < 1, rotation increments in the countercurrent direction are observed. If the LH-driven current is sufficient to suppress sawteeth and increase q0 abo…
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 UKAEA Paper Results