Ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) is one of the three additional heating schemes to be deployed on ITER. Its two antenna arrays, installed on the outboard midplane, will deliver 20 MW of RF power in the 40-55 MHz frequency range. The plasma-facing component of …
The Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ICH&CD) system will reside in ITER equatorial port plugs 13 and 15. Shutdown dose rates (SDDR) within the port interspace are required to be less than 100 Sv/h at 106 s cooling. A significant contribution to the SDDR results from neutrons streaming down gaps around the port frame, and the mitigation of …
ITER’s Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) system [Lamalle et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 88, 517–520 (2013)] comprises two antenna launchers designed by CYCLE (a consortium of European associations listed in the author affiliations above) on behalf of ITER Organisation (IO), each inserted as a Port Plug (PP) into one of ITER’s Vacuum Vessel …
In the framework of the Ion Cyclotron (IC) antenna design, ITER Organization requested qualification tests on sliding Radio-Frequency (RF) contacts, to verify that these contacts (quality class 1) are designed appropriately to guarantee a sufficient operational life time. These RF contacts will be integrated into the antenna structure at different …
The ITER Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive system will deliver 20MW of radio frequency power to the plasma in quasi continuous operation during the different phases of the experimental programme. The system also has to perform conditioning of the tokamak first wall at low power between main plasma discharges. This broad range of reqiurements …
The design of the ITER ICRF system has been under revision for several years. The paper presents the status of the design proposal based on a 24 strap antenna plug (6 poloidal by 4 toroidal short radiating conductors) in which the straps are passively combined in 8 poloidal triplets by means of 4-port junctions. These triplets are connected in para…
We present the results of a numerical investigation of the interaction between the ITER ICRF antenna plug (external matching option) and the surrounding wall blanket modules with the commercial software CST Microwave Studio (MWS). In particular we study the RF currents circulating on and between these modules with a simplified rectangular model of …
Whereas the essential components for power generation and transmission on an ITERsized ICRF plant are readily available, or only require modest extrapolation of present day ICRF systems, the 1C launching structure itself is regarded as needing development, validation and convincing demonstration. During the ITER-EDA, the design requirements of the …
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 UKAEA Paper Results
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