This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the preliminary divertor design and plasma exhaust scenario for the reactor-class Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) project. Due to the smaller size of the machine, with a major radius less than half that of most DEMO concepts, the current design features a double-null divertor geometr…
This study systematically explores the parameter space of disruption mitigation through shattered pellet injection in ITER with a focus on runaway electron dynamics, using the disruption modelling tool Dream. The physics fidelity is considerably increased compared to previous studies, by e.g., using realistic magnetic geometry, resistive wall confi…
Microinstabilities drive turbulent fluctuations in inhomogeneous, magnetized plasmas. In the context of magnetic confinement fusion devices, this leads to an enhanced transport of particles, momentum, and energy, thereby degrading confinement. In this work, we elaborate on the application of the adjoint method to efficiently determine the variation…
Advances in edge and scrape-off layer diagnostics have shown that often the ion temperature is higher than the electron temperature in scrape-off layer filaments. We have therefore extended the STORM model beyond the cold ion limit commonly used, to include hot ion effects. We find that filaments are both faster and more coherent than in a cold …
SOLPS-ITER simulations performed on STEP CDN geometry with Ar, varying D2 fuelling location Fuelling location can be an actuator for impurity compression/enrichment Inner-midplane (IMP) fuelling enhanced Ar compression/enrichment by 1) driving main plasma outflow 2) increasing collision frequency and 3) lowering upstream temperature PFR+IMP fuel…
The STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) fusion programme aims to produce net energy as a prototype fusion energy plant in the 2040s. To find an exhaust solution which is compatible with the core, we need to achieve high impurity enrichment. In this study, we investigated the impact of deuterium gas puff location on impurity enrichme…
In order to achieve a compatible solution between the divertors and the core, SOLPS-ITER simulations were performed on STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) connected double-null geometry to investigate the possibility of using deuterium (D) fuelling puff locations as an actuator for divertor argon (Ar) retention. Significant reduction of …
The tungsten erosion within STEP assuming tungsten main wall and tungsten divertor has been estimated with ERO at the inner and outer divertor, at the inner and outer midplane and at the outboard baffle entrance. Plasma parameters are based on SOLPS simulations applying argon puffing for edge cooling. The modelled peak gross erosion is highest with…
Pellet injection is used for fuelling and controlling discharges in tokamaks, and it is foreseen in ITER. During pellet injection, a movement of the ablated material towards the low-field side (or outward major radius direction) occurs because of the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. Due to the complexity of the theoretical models, computer…
The role of ion-molecule elastic collisions (specifically D+−D2 collisions) in strongly detached divertor conditions has been studied in the MAST-U Super-X configuration using SOLPS-ITER. Two strongly detached steady state solutions, one obtained through a main-ion (D2) fuelling scan and the other through an impurity (N) seeding scan at fixed fue…
Showing 1 - 10 of 37 UKAEA Paper Results