The self-passivating yttrium-containing WCr alloy has been developed and researched as a potential plasma-facing armour material for fusion power plants. This study explores the use of yttria (Y2O3) powders instead of yttrium elemental powders in the mechanical alloying process to assess their applicability in this material. Fabricated through f…
The status of research and development on vanadium alloys and on their application as a structural material in the breeder blanket of a fusion power plant are reviewed. Emphasis has been placed on irradiation experiments and the effects of neutron and ion irradiation on the microstructure of the current reference alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti. The effects of a …
The UK National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) has been developing its capability in high‑temperature water corrosion over the past years in collaboration with the University of Bristol, UK. As part of this work, studies have been undertaken on nuclear fusion‑specific material Eurofer‑97, a reduced activation ferritic‑martensitic steel. Eurofe…
Severe plasma transients such as disruptions will impose high magnitude, short duration thermal loads on the plasma-facing first wall of the EU’s DEMOnstration tokamak. Repeated over DEMO’s lifetime, these transients may cumulatively alter the microstructure of first wall structural materials, degrading their performance. The effects of repeate…
MAST Upgrade has just begun its second physics campaign. The set of magnetic probes used to diagnose the magnetic field and currents on MAST Upgrade are described, and their calibration procedures outlined including calculation of uncertainties. The arrays of installed instability diagnostics are described and the detection and diagnosis of a speci…
The reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel Eurofer 97 is employed by many concept designs for the plasma-facing first wall of the EU DEMO fusion reactor. These designs feature precision joints between Eurofer 97 coolant piping for which novel laser-keyhole welding is one proposed technique. In this work, the microstructure of laser-keyhol…
An important contribution to the mechanical stresses present in the ITER ICH antenna is related to the non-uniform heating of its front section due to RF losses, plasma and charge exchange, and the effects of neutron radiation. As a consequence, intensive convective cooling is necessary to maintain temperature and the related thermally induced s…
A development plan for validation of functional principles is defined to support the challenges of mock-up manufacturing and testing. It is aimed to develop the process and infrastructure for qualifying fusion components for the limiters in the European DEMO. The limiters are components that define the plasma boundary by direct contact during norma…
Plasma-wall interactions in a commercial-scale fusion power station may exert high transient thermal loads on plasma-facing surfaces, repeatedly subjecting underlying structural materials to high temperatures for short durations. Specimens of the reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel Eurofer-97 were continuously aged at constant temperat…
The next generations of nuclear fusion reactors, including ITER and DEMO, will consider several different cooling systems for heat dissipation, power generation and tritium breeding. This includes the water-cooled lithium-lead blanket (WCLL) design, which bears significant similarities to the water-cooled circuit in a pressurised water fission reac…
Showing 1 - 10 of 38 UKAEA Paper Results