To design a safe termination scenario for a burning ITER plasma is a challenge that requires extensive core plasma and divertor modelling. The presented work consists of coupled core/edge/SOL/divertor simulations, performed with the JINTRAC code, studying the Q=10 flat-top phase and exit phase of the ITER 15MA/5.3T DT scenario. The modelling uti…
An important part of the ITER Research Plan [1] is the Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) phase, which includes demonstration of H-mode plasma operation and the commissioning of ELM control systems. However, since hydrogen or helium are the main ion species in PFPO plasmas, the L–H power threshold PL–H is expected to be cons…
The optimum conditions for access to and sustainment of H-mode plasmas and their expected plasma parameters in the Pre-Fusion Power Operation 1 (PFPO-1) phase of the ITER Research Plan, where the additional plasma heating will be provided by 20 MW of Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH), are assessed in order to identify key open R&D issues. The as…
The optimum conditions for access and sustainment of H-mode plasmas and their expected plasma parameters in the Pre-Fusion Operation 1 (PFPO-1) phase of the ITER Research Plan, where the additional plasma heating will be provided by 20 MW of Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH), are assessed. The assessment is performed on the basis of empirical and…
To ensure optimal plasma performance at high Qfus for the baseline scenario foreseen for the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER), fuelling requirements, in particular for non-stationary phases, need to be assessed by means of integrated modelling due to different expected fuelling behaviour and additional challenges that need to be ad…
We have modelled self-consistently the most efficient ways to fuel ITER Hydrogen (H), Helium (He) and Deuterium-Tritium (DT) plasmas with gas and/or pellet injection with the integrated core and 2D SOL/divertor suite of codes JINTRAC. As far as we are aware, for ITER this is the first time modelling of the entire plasma has been carried out to f…
The operation of a tokamak designed to test the sustainability of a thermonuclear grade plasma like the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER) presents several challenges. Among them is the necessity of fuelling the plasma to reach the density required to generate enough fusion power to achieve Q = 10 and, at the same time, to protect th…
Recent studies have shown that on JET with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) in high beta discharges with high D2 gas rates the inter-ELM temperature pedestal growth is saturated half way through the ELM cycle, leading to plasmas with reduced confinement, and that the linear MHD stability of these pedestals is inconsistent with the Peeling-Ballooni…
Computations in toroidal geometry are systematically performed for the plasma response to 3D magnetic perturbations, produced by ferritic inserts (FIs) and test blanket modules (TBMs), for four ITER plasma scenarios: the 15MA baseline, the 12.5MA hybrid, the 9MA steady state, and the 7.5MA half-field Helium plasma. Due to broad toroidal spectrum of…
Mitigating edge localized modes (ELMs) with resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) can increase energetic particle losses and resulting wall loads, which have previously been studied in the vacuum approximation. This paper presents recent results of fusion alpha and NBI ion losses in the ITER baseline scenario modelled with the Monte Carlo orbit fo…
Showing 1 - 10 of 19 UKAEA Paper Results