Robotics holds the potential to streamline the execution of repetitive and dangerous tasks, which are difficult or impossible for a human operator. However, in complex scenarios, such as nuclear waste management or disaster response, full automation often proves unfeasible due to the diverse and intricate nature of tasks, coupled with unpredicta…
Remote handling of breeding blankets poses an unprecedented challenge in future tokamaks like EU-DEMO, where individual blanket segments can weigh upwards of 80 tonnes and extend beyond 10 meters in length. The unparalleled scale of these components, coupled with extremely tight positional tolerances, demands careful consideration of structural …
In current telerobotics and telemanipulator applications, operators must perform a wide variety of tasks, often with a high risk associated with failure. A system designed to generate data-based behavioural estimations using observed operator features could be used to reduce risks in industrial teleoperation. This paper describes a non-invasive …
There is a rapidly growing demand for robotic RM systems which are able to support future nuclear applications currently in development. This paper covers the testing and verification of radiation hardened electronics via a representative test bench utilising components currently used in irradiated environments relevant to nuclear fission, nucle…
Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning is a long-term engineering challenge, of which advanced control techniques are essentially demanded. In the past ten years, the success in various decommissioning operations demonstrates the importance of elaborating state-of-the-art control and automation technologies. However, there are still various control engi…
In this paper we propose a multi-robot path planning algorithm that integrates a Vector Field Histogram (VFH) algorithm and fuzzy logic controller inspired by International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) traffic rules with a collision area membership function that identifies suitable traffic procedures for each robot to t…
The use of robots has exceeded the standard focus of manufacturing and production. Over the last decades, special robotic systems have been developed in various extreme environments, such as in the maintenance, repair or even decommissioning of large-scale, strategic facilities, important to any nation’s infrastructure, including power, space,…
Piping systems that transport coolant and breeding fluid are naturally an essential part of the support system of the nuclear fusion power plants. Following a campaign of operations, the reactor is required to be shut down and maintained entirely. Pipes connected to the reactor components are to be cut, re-welded or re-joined, and inspected non-des…
The maturation of Virtual Reality software introduces new avenues of nuclear decommissioning research. Digital Mockups are an emerging technology which provide a virtual representation of the environment, objects or processes, supporting the whole lifecycle of product development and operations. This paper provides a survey on currently available s…
The hybrid kinematic mechanism (HKM) as a remote handling subsystem of Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) breeding blanket (BB) is undergoing extensive theoretical analysis and feasibility verification. In this paper, the forward and inverse kinematic models of HKM are respectively developed by combining the Newtonian iterative method and the …
Showing 1 - 10 of 67 UKAEA Paper Results