The realisation of fusion energy depends on the development of advanced materials for challenging environments. Rapid screening of prototype alloys using magnetron sputtering and high throughput characterisation is currently being applied to candidate W alloys with improved mechanical performance, reduced activation and tolerance to damage from neu…
The relative role of particle transport and edge fuelling in setting the H-mode density pedestal is still a key open question [1]. Although reduced pedestal models have proven successful in predicting the pedestal pressure for a wide range of plasma scenarios [2,3,4], they lack a first principle based, predictive model for the edge density. Pred…
The pedestal plays an important role in determining the confinement in tokamak H-mode plasmas. However, the steep pressure gradients in this transport barrier also lead to edge localized modes (ELMs) [1]. There is good understanding of the pedestal in type I ELM regimes [2], however, type I ELMs are known to damage plasma facing components and f…
EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations show that for a H-mode JET discharge (92168) the dominant atomic neutral deuterium source at the separatrix originates from the inner divertor target. Within JETTO-EIRENE neutral sources are placed at the X-point and outer midplane (OMP). For fixed electron and ion temperature, transport and neutral temperature it is obser…
EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of upstream density and radiative power scans in JET H-mode type plasmas in vertical target predict a linear relationship between the electron and ion temperatures, and power across the separatrix. This is in contradiction to the two-point model equations which states that the upstream temperature scales at the po…
Crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) modelling is an effective tool from which detailed information on the meso-scale behaviour of crystalline metallic systems can be extracted and used, not only to enhance the understanding of material behaviour under different loading conditions, but also to improve the structural integrity assessment of e…
The pedestal structure, ELM losses and linear MHD stability are analysed in a series of JET-ILW H and D type I ELMy H-mode plasmas. The pedestal pressure (pPED) is typically higher in D than in H at the same input power, with the difference mainly due to lower density in H than in D. At the same input power, the pedestal electron pres…
Tokamaks are traditionally viewed as axisymmetric devices. However this is not always true, for example in the presence of saturated instabilities, error fields, or resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) applied for edge localized mode (ELM) control. We use the VMEC code (Hirshman and Whitson 1983 Phys. Fluids 26 3553) to …
New experiments in 2013-2014 have investigated the physics responsible for the decrease in H-mode pedestal confinement observed in the initial phase of JET-ILW operation (2012 Experimental Campaigns). The effects of plasma triangularity, global beta and neutrals on pedestal confinement and stability have been investigated systematically. The stabil…
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 UKAEA Paper Results