Fusion power plant designs based on magnetic confinement, such as the tokamak design, offer a promising route to sustainable fusion power but require robust exhaust solutions capable of tolerating intense heat and particle fluxes from the plasma to material surfaces. Turbulent plasma transport in the divertor volume – the region where the plasma-…
There exists a large body of previous work using reduced two-dimensional models of the SOL, which model fluctuations in the drift-plane but approximate parallel transport with effective loss terms. Full size three-dimensional simulations of SOL turbulence in experimental geometries are now possible, but are far more computationally expensive than …
A comparison between different alternative divertor configurations, in terms of benefits and additional complexity is carried out for the European DEMO. A synergetic approach between different aspects of the problem, including physics and engineering, provides new insight on the capabilities of the new divertors to handle the exhausted power wit…
A thorough physics and engineering analysis of alternative divertor configurations is carried out by examining benefits and problems by comparing the baseline single null solution with a Snowflake, an X- and a Super-X divertor. It is observed that alternative configurations can provide margin and resilience against large power fluctuations, but the…
The role of magnetic perturbations generated by filaments in the scrape-off layer is investigated by performing simulations of 3D seeded filaments with an electromagnetic numerical code which includes sheath boundary conditions. Depending on the plasma , three smoothly connecting regimes were identified: an electrostatic regime where the magnet…
In magnetic confinement devices, boundary turbulence is responsible for transporting plasma and energy from the well-confined region towards the material surfaces where it can severely harm reactor relevant machines. It is therefore essential to develop a solid understanding of the mechanisms behind the transport in the edge of the plasma. Large fl…
In the present work, global, three-dimensional edge plasma turbulence simulations of a MAST L-mode attached plasma discharge are presented. Our study is based on the drift-reduced Braginskii equations, solved with the STORM module of BOUT++ for realistic MAST parameters in disconnected lower double null configuration. The plasma profiles are evolve…
A firm grasp of transport processes perpendicular to the magnetic field line is required in order to understand and predict heat and particle fluxes to divertor components in tokamaks. Perpendicular transport from the hot core into the scrape-off layer (SOL) upstream impacts the SOL profile at the divertor via parallel streaming along the magnetic …
The effect of plasma shaping on scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma turbulence is investigated through a rigorous validation exercise. Two- and three-dimensional simulations of the SOL plasma dynamics in three TCV limited discharges are carried out with the GBS code. These discharges realize an almost circular magnetic equilibrium, an elongated equilibri…
The STORM module of BOUT++ [L. Easy et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 122515 (2014)] is generalized to simulate plasma turbulence at the periphery of tokamak devices in diverted configuration and it is used to carry out three-dimensional nonlinear flux-driven simulations in double null configuration with realistic experimental par…
Showing 1 - 10 of 14 UKAEA Paper Results