ITER is of key importance in the European fusion roadmap as it aims to prove the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a future energy source. The EUROfusion consortium of labs is contributing to the preparation of ITER scientific exploitation and operation and aspires to exploit ITER outcomes in view of DEMO. The paper provides …
Global research programmes seeking to achieve a commercially viable model of a fusion power plant are being accelerated at an unprecedented rate. One critical element to the design and licensing is an accurate understanding of the radiation environment throughout the plant lifetime and subsequent decommissioning phase. The radiation field which res…
Neutron spectrum unfolding using activation foils is currently the primary technique planned for measuring the neutron energy spectrum at the first wall of power-generating fusion reactors. Room for improvement in the effectiveness of current foil selection was identified, and a program produced to select foils procedurally in order to maximise the…
The characteristically intense neutron source generated in deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion power presents notable challenges for materials comprising the structure of the device which are exposed to them. These include radiation damage effects leading to degradation of structural properties with impact on maintenance and replacement frequency, but…
The planned high-profile experiments during 2020 at the Joint European Torus (JET), notably including a deuterium-tritium (DT) experimental phase, are expected to produce large neutron yields, in the region of 1021 neutrons. The scientific objectives are linked with a technology programme, WPJET3, to deliver the maximum scientific and…
Understanding the effects of neutron irradiation of materials is one of the outstanding issues in the development of fusion technologies. The impact of this work derives from the opportunity, for the first time in a tokamak operating with a D-T plasma, to deliver experimental results which directly link to the nuclear characteristics of real sample…
The accurate modelling of the activation of flowing material in a fusion reactor, such as coolant water or lithium-lead breeder, has important safety and shielding implications. Two codes developed at UKAEA which account for neutron flux variation have been investigated for the potential for incorporating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and c…
During ITER operations the water coolant flowing through components such as the first wall, blanket modules, divertor cassettes and vacuum vessel will become activated by high energy neutrons. Two key neutron-induced reactions will occur with oxygen in the water producing the radioactive isotopes, N-16 and N-17, which have relatively short half-liv…
In future fusion power plants, such as DEMO, D-T neutron emission is predicted to exceed 1×1021 neutrons/second. Accurately monitoring neutron energies and intensities will be the primary method for estimating fusion power, and calculating key parameters, including the tritium breeding ratio and nuclear heating. The Novel Neutron Det…
Spectrum unfolding is a key tool used together with diagnostics in the determination of nuclear fields that are associated with a range of nuclear technologies spanning fusion, fission, nuclear medicine and accelerator domains. The underlying process requires a mathematical method for solving the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. This p…
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 UKAEA Paper Results