Five ELMy H-mode Ne seeded JET pulses have been simulated with the self-consistent core-SOL model COREDIV. In this five pulse series only the Ne seeding rate was changed shot by shot, allowing a thorough study of the effect of Ne seeding on the total radiated power and of its distribution between core and SOL to be made. The increase in the simulat…
The JET tokamak is unique amongst present fusion devices in its capability to operate at high plasma current, providing the closest plasma parameters to ITER. The physics benefits of high current operation have to be balanced against the risks to the integrity of the machine due to high force disruptions. The installation of the ITER-Like Wall (ILW…
In normal operation the JET neutral beam injectors have the operating gas supplied to the ion source and the neutraliser. For tritium operation the gas is supplied to both the ion source and neutraliser at a point close to the earth grid (grid gas) due to the difficulty in producing a gas line with a secondary containment and a ceramic break fo…
We describe the operational experience of the JET actively cooled duct liner and compare it with the previous inertially cooled duct. The paper discusses the initial conditioning of the duct liner during restart commissioning and subsequent high power performance. The new duct was conditioned in 48 plasma pulses during its first time commissioning …
The JET Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) system is the most powerful neutral beam plasma heating system currently operating. Optical Interlocks were installed on the beam lines in 2011 for the JET Enhancement Project 2 (EP2), when the heating power was increased from 23 MW to 34 MW. JET NBI has two beam lines. Each has eight positive ion injectors oper…
The JET flywheel generator converters have operated since 1983 and for over 85,000 pulses. Problems with this plant are discussed, including corrosion, unbalanced flow and arcing within the liquid resistors; starting difficulties on both machines; and failure of the plug-braking transformers at energisiation. In 2012/13 two sets of thrust bearing p…
The aim of the Exhaust Detritiation System (EDS) of the JET Active Gas Handling System (AGHS) is to convert all Q-based species (Q2, Q-hydrocarbons) into Q2O (Q being indifferently H, D or T) which is then trapped on molecular sieve beds (MSB). Regenerating the saturated MSBs leads to the production of tritiated water which is stored in Briggs drum…
The effects of poloidal asymmetries and heated minority species are shown to be necessary to accurately describe heavy impurity transport in present experiments in JET and ASDEX Upgrade. Plasma rotation, or any small background electrostatic field in the plasma, such as that generated by anisotropic external heating can generate strong poloidal den…
The Joint European Torus (JET, Culham, UK) is the largest tokamak in the world. JET has been upgraded over the years and recently it has also become a test facility of the components designed for ITER, the next step fusion machine under construction in Cadarache (France). At JET, the neutron emission profile of Deuterium (D) or Deuterium-Tritium (D…
Disruptions, the fast accidental losses of plasma current and stored energy in tokamaks, represent asignificant risk to the mechanical structure as well as the plasma facing components of reactor-scale fusion facilities like ITER. At JET, the tokamak experiment closest to ITER in terms of operating parameters and size, massive gas injection has bee…
Showing 1 - 10 of 33 UKAEA Paper Results