Unusually high power loads on the Beryllium limiter caused by Neutral Beam re-ionisation, and much cooler divertor target surfaces were observed during the recent JET tritium campaign. As both phenomena are driven by scrape-off layer (SOL) physics, the SOL features of 72 tritium H-mode discharges and their deuterium references have been studied. …
A study of a dataset of JET H-mode plasma with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) shows that reaching the edge MHD ballooning limit leads to confinement degradation. However, unlike JET plasmas with a carbon wall (JET-C), the JET-ILW plasmas stay in a marginal dithering phase for a relatively long period, associated with a higher (20%) H-mode den…
A study of a dataset of JET plasma with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) shows that reaching the edge MHD ballooning limit leads to confinement degradation. However, unlike JET plasma with a carbon wall (JET-C), the JET-ILW plasma stays in a marginal dithering phase for a relatively long period, associated with a higher a ( 20%) H-mode density lim…
The replacement of the JET carbon wall (C-wall) by a Be/W ITER-like wall (ILW) has affected the plasma energy confinement. To investigate this, experiments have been performed with both the C-wall and ILW to vary the heating power over a wide range for plasmas with different shapes. It was found that the power degradation of thermal energy confinem…
A new model of the L–H transition in tokamaks is proposed, based on the criterion that the transition occurs when plasma turbulence and shear Alfvén waves compete in the vicinity of the last-closed flux surface. The model is used to predict the scaling of the H-mode access power, PL–H, with magnetic and plasma variables. The predictio…
Recent infra-red measurements of divertor power loads on JET and AUG [1], revealed that the inter-ELM power width at the outer mid-plane in attached ELMy H-modes does not exhibit any noticeable scaling with machine size [1]. Making use of these results to calculate the effective radial heat diffusivity, and then including this in parametrized expre…
The theory of variances of equilibrium reconstruction is presented. It complements existing practices with information regarding what kind of plasma characteristics can be reconstructed, how accurately, and what remains beyond the abilities of diagnostic systems. The -curves, introduced by the present theory, give a quantitative assessment of quali…
An analytical Bayesian inversion of the JET interferometry line integrated densities into density profiles and associated uncertainty information, is demonstrated. These are used, with a detailed model of plasma polarimetry, to predict the rotation and ellipticity for the JET polarimeter. This includes the lateral channels, for over 45,000 time poi…
Principal techniques and trends in the validation and analysis of data in magnetic fusion research are described and examples of applications are given. Wellestablished methods to obtain key physical quantities are outlined, as well as newer techniques employing integrated analysis of multiple diagnostics to improve quality and extract additional i…
A wide range of studies on JET have contributed greatly to the development of the ELMy H-mode as a high-performance scenario for fusion devices and to the understanding of the physical processes that underlie it. Development has focused on the production of a highperformance, high-density, stationary scenario suited to deuterium-tritium operation a…
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results