The evolution of SOL density profiles and fluctuations have been studied at different recycling levels in 3 different tokamaks, ASDEXUpgrade, TCV and JET, all operated in HMode. In all devices we clearly observe an increase of far SOL efolding length at high …
In this paper we a first qualitative analysis of the atomic and molecular processes at play during detachment in the MAST-U Super-X divertor, using divertor spectroscopy data. Our analysis indicates a wide operational regime of detachment of the MAST-U super-X divertor, which can be roughly separated in four phases: 1) The ionisation front detac…
This paper presents recent progress on the studies of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) on TCV, concerning the new physics learned and how this physics contributes to a better real-time (RT) control of NTMs. A simple technique that adds a small (sinusoidal) sweeping to the target electron cyclotron (EC) beam deposition location has proven effective…
It is demonstrated that tokamak plasma can be fuelled by pellets while simultaneously maintaining ELM suppression by external resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs). Pellets are injected from vertical high field site and deposited at outer part of plasma cross section. Each pellet triggers benign MHD event followed by short lived ELM free phase. Th…
A detailed cross-device investigation on the role of filamentary dynamics in high density regimes has been performed within the EUROfusion framework comparing ASDEX-Upgrade (AUG) and TCV tokamaks. Both devices have run density ramp experiments at different levels of plasma current, keeping toroidal field or q95 constant in order to disentangle the …
Reducing the plasma power exhaust impacting on plasma facing components during steady state operation is one of the major design issues in future tokamaks such as ITER. Impurity seeding, e.g. with N, is one method of achieving this and has been used for a long time in tokamak research [1]. In this work we exploit a recently developed spectroscopic …
Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) in H-mode tokamak plasmas may be controlled or entirely suppressed by applying 3D magnetic perturbations (MPs). The applied perturbation is amplified by the plasma response, and it has previously been established that the size of the peeling component of this response is a reliable indicator for expected ELM control on A…
In ITER and DEMO, achieving detachment at lower densities would allow to reduce the amount of impurity seeded and to improve confinement by running at lower separatrix densities. Analytic models predict that a increase of total flux expansion would allow such a reduction in upstream density at detachment. However, both experiments and modelling …
Pellets are used in ASDEX Upgrade [1] to control plasma density under conditions of ELM control or divertor detachment. In experiments presented here direct fuelling by gas is negligible. Relative pellet size and pellet deposition are aimed to approach those in ITER but differences still remain. ELMs are controlled by n=2 RMPs in feed forward mode …
Recent experiments on TCV have made significant progress toward partial detachment of the outer divertor in neutral beam heated H-mode plasmas. The heating power required to enter H-mode was measured in a range of divertor configurations, finding that, in the vicinity of the PL-H/ne curve, the threshold power is largely independent of the poloidal …
Showing 1 - 10 of 20 UKAEA Paper Results