The reference ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating schemes for ITER deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas at the full magnetic field of 5.3 T are second harmonic heating of tritium and 3He minority heating. The wave-particle resonance location for these schemes coincide and are central at a wave frequency of 53 MHz at 5.3T [1]. Experiments ha…
The present paper is dedicated to the study of the discrepancies encountered in electron temperatures (Te) measurements carried out with Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) and Thomson Scattering (TS) diagnostics in the core of the JET tokamak. A large database of discharges has been collected, including high-performance scenarios perform…
Recent experiments performed in JET at high level of plasma heating, in preparation of, and during the DT campaign have shown significant discrepancies between electron temperature measurements by Thomson Scattering (TS) and Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE). In order to perform a systematic analysis of this effect, a simple model of bipolar dis…
Unusually high power loads on the Beryllium limiter caused by Neutral Beam re-ionisation, and much cooler divertor target surfaces were observed during the recent JET tritium campaign. As both phenomena are driven by scrape-off layer (SOL) physics, the SOL features of 72 tritium H-mode discharges and their deuterium references have been studied. …
The experimental observation of multiple oscillations likely associated with beta-induced Alfven eigenmodes with toroidal mode number n = 1, 2 during strong tearing activity in JET plasmas is reported in this work. It is found the frequencies of these oscillations range from 5 kHz to 20 kHz, being consistent with the low-frequency beta-induc…
The fusion performance of ELMy H-mode DT plasmas with q95 = 3 and \\beta_N = 1.8 (also referred to as medium-\\beta_N baseline scenario in the rest of this paper) are predicted with the JINTRAC suite of codes and the QuaLiKiZ transport model. The predictions are based on the analysis of DT plasmas from the first DT campaign
Sustained operation of high-performance, ITER-baseline scenario plasmas at the high levels of input power (~< 40MA) required to achieve ~ 15 MW of D-T fusion power in JET-ILW requires careful optimisation of the fuelling to avoid an unacceptable disruption rate due to excessive radiation, primarily from W impurities, which are sputter…
Achieving high neutron yields in today’s fusion research relies on high power auxiliary heating in order to attain required core temperatures. This is usually achieved by means of high Neutral Beam (NB) and Radio Frequency (RF) power. Application of NB power is accompanied by production of fast beam ions and associated Beam-Target (BT) reactio…
The JET exploitation plan foresees D-T operations in 2019-2020. With respect to the first D-T campaign in 1998, when JET was equipped with a carbon wall, the experiments will be conducted in presence of a beryllium-tungsten ITER-like wall and will benefit from an extended and improved set of diagnostics and higher available additional heating power…
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 UKAEA Paper Results