In this work, the first experimental attempts at controlling Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) via the application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) on theMAST Upgrade tokamak are reported. Moderate ELM mitigation was achieved in low betaN by the application of n=1 3D fields, at the cost of inducing a ’benign’ locked mode. At higher betaN how…
The JET hybrid scenario has been developed from low plasma current carbon wall discharges to the record-breaking Deuterium-Tritium plasmas obtained in 2021 with the ITER-like Be/W wall. The development started in pure Deuterium with refinement of the plasma current, and toroidal magnetic field choices and succeeded in solving the heat load challeng…
The first pedestal stability analysis on the new MAST Upgrade (MASTU) spherical tokamak H-mode plasma is presented. Our results indicate that MAST-U pedestals are close to the low toroidal mode number (n) peeling branch of the peelingballooning instability, in contrast with MAST H-mode pedestals which were deeply in the high-n ballooning branch. Th…
We propose a resistivity-beta driving mechanism aimed at explaining the appearance of free boundary long wavelength global instabilities in high-beta diverted tokamaks. These perturbations resemble very closely the RWM (resistive wall mode) phenomenon. Performing a proper toroidal analysis, we show that the magnetohydrodynamic stability is worsened…
The results of a recent gyrokinetic analysis of turbulent transport driven by the electron temperature gradient (ETG) in the MAST pedestal are presented. During the inter-ELM period, the buildup rate of the electron density gradients is faster than that of the electron temperature gradients, possibly indicating the presence of an active electron th…
In JET deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas, the fusion power is produced through thermonuclear reactions and reactions between thermal ions and fast particles generated by neutral beam injection (NBI) heating or accelerated by electromagnetic wave heating in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF). To complement the experiments with 50/50 D/T …
External kink modes, believed to be the drive of the beta-limiting Resistive Wall Mode, are strongly mitigated by the presence of a separatrix. We thus propose a novel mechanism explaining the appearance of long-wavelength global instabilities in free boundary high-beta diverted tokamaks, retrieving the experimental observables within a physical…
The UK’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) reactor design program has recently taken the decision to use exclusively microwave-based heating and current drive (HCD) actuators for its reactor concepts. This is based on a detailed assessment considering all viable HCD concepts, covering the grid to plasma efficiency (), physics applica…
The UK’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) reactor design program is now exclusively investigating concepts using microwave-based heating and current drive (HCD) systems. Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW) HCD is a relatively immature technology compared to Electron Cyclotron (EC) HCD but is of interest due to the promise of high current…
Showing 1 - 10 of 57 UKAEA Paper Results