To design a safe termination scenario for a burning ITER plasma is a challenge that requires extensive core plasma and divertor modelling. The presented work consists of coupled core/edge/SOL/divertor simulations, performed with the JINTRAC code, studying the Q=10 flat-top phase and exit phase of the ITER 15MA/5.3T DT scenario. The modelling uti…
The reference ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating schemes for ITER deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas at the full magnetic field of 5.3 T are second harmonic heating of tritium and 3He minority heating. The wave-particle resonance location for these schemes coincide and are central at a wave frequency of 53 MHz at 5.3T [1]. Experiments ha…
The present paper is dedicated to the study of the discrepancies encountered in electron temperatures (Te) measurements carried out with Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) and Thomson Scattering (TS) diagnostics in the core of the JET tokamak. A large database of discharges has been collected, including high-performance scenarios perform…
A dataset of baseline DT plasmas with peripheral HFS fuelling pellets has been produced on JET, in order to mimic the situtation in ITER. During the pellet ablation phase prompt particle losses due to pellet triggered ELM can be detected. Regarding pellet deposition, the data indicate that plasmoids drift velocity might be smaller than predicted…
In the paper we present an overview of interpretive modelling of a database of JET-ILW 2021 D-T discharges using the TRANSP code. Our main aim is to assess our capability of computationally reproducing the fusion performance of various D-T plasma scenarios using different external heating and D-T mixtures, and understand the performance driving mec…
Recent experiments performed in JET at high level of plasma heating, in preparation of, and during the DT campaign have shown significant discrepancies between electron temperature measurements by Thomson Scattering (TS) and Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE). In order to perform a systematic analysis of this effect, a simple model of bipolar dis…
Unusually high power loads on the Beryllium limiter caused by Neutral Beam re-ionisation, and much cooler divertor target surfaces were observed during the recent JET tritium campaign. As both phenomena are driven by scrape-off layer (SOL) physics, the SOL features of 72 tritium H-mode discharges and their deuterium references have been studied. …
An important part of the ITER Research Plan [1] is the Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) phase, which includes demonstration of H-mode plasma operation and the commissioning of ELM control systems. However, since hydrogen or helium are the main ion species in PFPO plasmas, the L–H power threshold PL–H is expected to be cons…
Control of plasma H:D isotope mix using solely shallow pellets (in H or D) was demonstrated in recent experiments, attaining ~50%:50% ratio. The isotope mix propagates from the edge to the core on the confinement timescale. Isotope dependence of energy confinement is within error bar to scaling laws. A dataset is collected for different pellet s…
Showing 1 - 10 of 50 UKAEA Paper Results