This paper addresses two key issues regarding plasma exhaust in future fusion reactors. Firstly, using newly developed spectroscopic models to measure the divertor concentration of Ne and Ar, it is shown that the experimental detachment threshold on ASDEX Upgrade with Ar-only, an Ar+N mixture, and a Ne+N mixture scales as expected in comparison wit…
Observations of enhanced fast-ion losses during edge localized modes (ELMs) have been reported in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, revealing losses above the injection energy. This suggests that fast ions can be accelerated and lost by the ELMs. Recent analysis delves into the analysis of the ELM-induced losses, suggesting that the fast ions are los…
The High Field High Density Region (HFSFD) has been experimentally observed in both divertor and limiter tokamak devices. In order to numerically reproduced the HFSHD region in the limiter tokamak device J-TEXT, we first performed SOLPS-ITER simulations on the J-TEXT limiter tokamak with the activation of drifts, which is associated with the HFSHD …
The evolution of SOL density profiles and fluctuations have been studied at different recycling levels in 3 different tokamaks, ASDEXUpgrade, TCV and JET, all operated in HMode. In all devices we clearly observe an increase of far SOL efolding length at high …
A study of a dataset of JET H-mode plasma with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) shows that reaching the edge MHD ballooning limit leads to confinement degradation. However, unlike JET plasmas with a carbon wall (JET-C), the JET-ILW plasmas stay in a marginal dithering phase for a relatively long period, associated with a higher (20%) H-mode den…
Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET with the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) are performed to separate the pedestal and core contributions to confinement in H-modes with different main ion masses. A strong isotope mass dependence in the pedestal is found which is enhanced at high gas puffing. This is because the ELM type changes when going fro…
The optimum conditions for access to and sustainment of H-mode plasmas and their expected plasma parameters in the Pre-Fusion Power Operation 1 (PFPO-1) phase of the ITER Research Plan, where the additional plasma heating will be provided by 20 MW of Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH), are assessed in order to identify key open R&D issues. The as…
This paper presents recent progress on the studies of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) on TCV, concerning the new physics learned and how this physics contributes to a better real-time (RT) control of NTMs. A simple technique that adds a small (sinusoidal) sweeping to the target electron cyclotron (EC) beam deposition location has proven effective…
A survey of the correlation between temperature and density gradient lengths ( and ) has been performed for the near SOL regions in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. In common with previous studies, the near SOL temperature and density gradient length ratio, , is found to be close to unity across a wide range of plasmas. However, it is found that it is po…
A study of a dataset of JET plasma with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) shows that reaching the edge MHD ballooning limit leads to confinement degradation. However, unlike JET plasma with a carbon wall (JET-C), the JET-ILW plasma stays in a marginal dithering phase for a relatively long period, associated with a higher a ( 20%) H-mode density lim…
Showing 1 - 10 of 51 UKAEA Paper Results