An overview of the modelling approaches, validation methods and recent main results of analysis and modelling activities related to the plasma-wall interaction in JET-ILW experiments, including the recent H/D/T campaigns is presented in the paper. Code applications to JET-ILW experiments improve general erosion/migration/retention prediction cap…
This work presents a system upgrade of the High Resolution Thomson Scattering (HRTS) diagnostic on JET that allows it to measure low temperature (1 to 500 eV) plasma pre- and post-Thermal quench (TQ), which would help to further the understanding of the physics in SPI experiments. The upgrade was done by connecting optic fibres from the original…
Ion Cyclotron wave (IC) assisted breakdown would be important for reducing risks to plasma initiation during the ITER pre-fusion operation phase under difficult vessel conditions. Hence, studies were performed at JET, at ITER relevant loop electric field — and in a regime, and , where plasma breakdown had not previously been achieved on JE…
2021 JET experimental campaign has produced high stationary fusion power with 50%D 50%T discharges, operated with the ITER-relevant conditions i.e. operation with the baseline or hybrid scenario in the full metallic wall. It has provided a unique opportunity to assess the DT fusion power prediction capability before ITER DT experiments. This pap…
The JET ITER-like Wall (ILW) divertor mostly consists of CFC tiles coated with a thick tungsten (W) layer over a molybdenum (Mo) interlayer. Poloidal sets of tiles are additionally coated with ~3 microns of Mo and ~4 microns of W to act as markers to measure the erosion/deposition during ILW campaigns. A few of the marker tiles only have the Mo …
This work studies the influence of RF waves in ICRH range of frequency on fusion alphas during recent JET D-T campaign. Fusion alphas from D-T reactions are born with energies of about 3.5MeV and therefore have significant Doppler shift enabling synergistic interaction between them and RF waves at broad range of frequencies including the ones fo…
ITER is of key importance in the European fusion roadmap as it aims to prove the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a future energy source. The EUROfusion consortium of labs is contributing to the preparation of ITER scientific exploitation and operation and aspires to exploit ITER outcomes in view of DEMO. The paper provides …
This work studies the interaction between Radio Frequency (RF) waves used for Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) and the fast D and T Neutral Beam Injected (NBI) ions in DT plasma. The focus is on the effect of this interaction, also referred to as synergistic effects, on the fusion performance in the recent JET DTE2 campaign. Experimental d…
The Joint European Torus (JET) recently carried out an experimental campaign using a plasma consisting of both deuterium (D) and tritium (T). We observed a high-frequency mode using a reflectometer and an interferometer in a DT plasma heated with low power neutral beam injection, $P_{NBI} = 11.6$ $MW$. This mode were observed at a frequency $f =…
In JET deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas, the fusion power is produced through thermonuclear reactions and reactions between thermal ions and fast particles generated by neutral beam injection (NBI) heating or accelerated by electromagnetic wave heating in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF). To complement the experiments with 50/50 D/T …
Showing 1 - 10 of 212 UKAEA Paper Results