The reference ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating schemes for ITER deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas at the full magnetic field of 5.3 T are second harmonic heating of tritium and 3He minority heating. The wave-particle resonance location for these schemes coincide and are central at a wave frequency of 53 MHz at 5.3T [1]. Experiments ha…
During the DTE2 campaign in the JET tokamak we performed a parameter scan in T and D-T complementing existing pulses in H and D. For the different main ion masses H-modes at fixed plasma current and magnetic field can have the pedestal pressure varying by a factor of 4 and the total pressure changing from betaN = 1.0 to 3.0. Based on this wide data…
Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) is a flexible auxiliary heating method for tokamak plasmas, capable of being efficiently coupled to the various plasma configurations required in the Tritium and mixed DeuteriumTritium Experimental campaign (DTE2) on the JET device. High NBI power was required for high fusion yield and alpha particle studies and to …
In the paper we present an overview of interpretive modelling of a database of JET-ILW 2021 D-T discharges using the TRANSP code. Our main aim is to assess our capability of computationally reproducing the fusion performance of various D-T plasma scenarios using different external heating and D-T mixtures, and understand the performance driving mec…
Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET with the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) are performed to separate the pedestal and core contributions to confinement in H-modes with different main ion masses. A strong isotope mass dependence in the pedestal is found which is enhanced at high gas puffing. This is because the ELM type changes when going fro…
Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) is a very flexible auxiliary heating method for tokamak plasmas, capable of being efficiently coupled to the various plasma configurations required in the Tritium and Deuterium–Tritium Experimental campaign (DTE2) to be undertaken in the JET device. In particular, experiments for high fusion yield and alpha particl…
Control of plasma H:D isotope mix using solely shallow pellets (in H or D) was demonstrated in recent experiments, attaining ~50%:50% ratio. The isotope mix propagates from the edge to the core on the confinement timescale. Isotope dependence of energy confinement is within error bar to scaling laws. A dataset is collected for different pellet s…
Visible emission from a broad range of tungsten charge states has complicated plasma ion temperature and toroidal rotation measurements on the JET tokamak since the installation of the ITER-like wall. A plethora of charge exchange emission lines from ions up to W 56+ and 21 suspected magnetic dipole emission lines have so far been observed. In p…
Dimensionless experiments test the invariance of plasma physics to changes in the dimensional plasma parameters, when the canonical dimensionless parameters are conserved [1], [2]. Isotope identity experiments exploit the change in isotope ion mass A = mi/mp to obtain plasmas with identical dimensionless profiles in the same tokamak. However, condi…
Showing 1 - 10 of 27 UKAEA Paper Results